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Height measurements

Height measurements represent an important application in the industrial sector, as they allow you to carry out the precise measurement and control of some of the main dimensional quantities of the products used.

Among the typical applications, we find for example the height measurement of industrial details, the calibration of machine tools, the inspection of parts or the evaluation of the conformity of precision machining.

The resolution and precision of the measurements allow obtaining values ​​with a high degree of reliability, ensuring accurate and timely quality control.

Electronic measuring instruments offer greater speed in performing measurements compared to those performed manually, reducing production times and increasing production efficiency. The ability to automate height measurements also helps reduce human errors and labor costs.

Product categories for height measurement

Technical insight

Height measurement applications include a wide range of instruments used to determine the distance between a reference base and a surface being measured. In this context, the technologies used include LASER distance meters, LVDT linear probes, digital comparators, digital altimeters and digital gauges.

Height measurements with LASER distance meters

LASER distance meters are devices that use light waves emitted by a laser to detect the distance between the device and the surface being measured. These instruments provide accurate and reliable measurements, even over large distances. Furthermore, the collected data can be quickly acquired in digital format and used for subsequent analysis and processing.

Height measurements with LVDT linear probes

Linear Variable Differential Transformer (LVDT) probes are sensors that use a moving core to detect changes in distance. These instruments are particularly suitable for measuring heights in environments where there is a strong presence of environmental contaminants or where the absoluteness of the measurement is necessary. Furthermore, LVDT probes are characterized by great precision and stability over time.

Height measurements with digital comparators

Digital comparators are instruments that use a graduated scale or an electronic detector to measure variations in distance. These instruments provide precise and reproducible measurements, even on uneven surfaces. Furthermore, the collected data can be quickly acquired in digital format and used for subsequent analysis and processing.

Height measurements with digital altimeters

Digital altimeters are instruments that use a precision linear transducer to measure height relative to a plane. They are characterized by great precision and stability over time and can often be interfaced with data acquisition and product certification systems.

Height measurements with digital gauges

Digital gauges are instruments that use a linear transducer to detect heights and positions. These instruments provide precise and reproducible measurements, even on large surfaces. Furthermore, the collected data can be quickly acquired in digital format and used for subsequent analysis and processing.

Partner website: www.innovacheck.com

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